Trio Seven Spies release their new grungy rock single “Chameleon.” This edgy, hard-hitting track erupts with determined melodies and textured harmonies, highlighting lead singer David Blomiley’s exceptional vocal skill. The song focuses on the façades we put on in our daily lives to conceal our inner demons. Of the song, Blomiley says, “The subject of the songs seems to be stuff that has been bubbling away inside of me for awhile that I need to get out. I find songwriting massively therapeutic in a way.”
The London-based band consists of David Blomiley (vocals, guitar, piano), Olly Brown (drums, backing vocals) and a constantly rotating bassist. Self-produced by Blomiley and Brown in their bedroom studio, and mastered by John Davis (known for his work with The Killers, Lana del Rey and Royal Blood), Seven Spies have constructed a gritty release that oozes with raw passion and charm. Connecting with fans on an intimate level, their highly relatable music allows listeners to make their own associations regardless of their intent. Check out this boisterous single now.
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