
Andrew Smith has a quarter life crisis in "Twenties"

Indie pop artist Andrew Smith has a way of connecting with his listeners through his use of transparent lyricism, stripped-down melodies, and music that’s tinged with nostalgia. The NYC-based artist just dropped his latest single “Twenties” and the track is a very relatable one, which mulls over the “quarter life crisis,” a time of great stress and uncertainty tied to one’s place in life and current achievements.

“I spent many years of my twenties putting my personal life on the back burner. Am I falling behind!? When I’m being critical of myself, my demons say that I’m late to the party. I’m falling behind," he confides. "This has been a huge lesson as I navigate self-acceptance and self-love.” Although the song confronts some of the inner-turmoil that Andrew Smith had previously faced, the nature of the song is quite pleasant. Featuring soft vocals over a simple melody laced with glimmering synths, "Twenties" takes the listener on an enjoyable ride, and one can’t help but find a strong message of hope and acceptance through his delivery. The most impactful elements of this song are tied to the calmness that permeates through Andrew’s voice and the pastel-like soundscapes that have a soothing effect on the listener. It’s not a song that irritates or evokes feelings of melancholia, but one that looks to the past with grace and to the future with wisdom.

Andrew Smith is an artist that creates introspective music to understand and connect with his life on a deeper level. Some of the themes tied to his music are coming out as a gay man, pressures tied to career and achievements, and overcoming existential crises. The songwriter confides, “Many of my songs are born of reflections I have about my life, or discoveries made in therapy, etc.” Performing since a young age, Andrew started out in theatre and writing short films, and later attended Berklee College of Music where he found his niche in songwriting and production.

Listen to Andrew Smith’s new single “Twenties” here and remember to be grateful for who you are and how far you've come.

Connect with Andrew Smith: Facebook | Instagram
