
Carrie Baxter’s “Woman” pays homage to women [Video]

Singer/songwriter Carrie Baxter steps into a different sphere as she delivers her new single “Woman,” which sees her venturing into the neo-soul/R&B genre. The track blends 90s neo-soul with a modern twist with its warm chords, prevalent bass-driven drum grooves, and rich harmonies to complete the job. Carrie’s commanding vocals cut through the mix and are bolstered by raw undertones of emotions as she pays homage to womanhood, emphasizing strength and confidence. The track is an ode to all women and implores them to find their inner strength. Lines like

I explain to my girlfriends that Im not feeling quiet myself So I drink my wine and they listen to me
(And they say and they say)
Lady you better drop your bags
Your gunna slowly dim the light you shine and there aint no gain Sister you need to run this back
You gotta left foot, right foot, remember to breathe

set the tone perfectly as Carrie gets a morale booster from her circle of friends.

The accompanying visual is a mix of performance shots, engaging shots using a wide variety of angles and perspectives that are influenced by the positive energy of the song itself. We get to see Carrie and her girlfriends in their element as they celebrate their wins.

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Stream “Woman” on  SpotifyYouTubeSoundCloudApple MusicTikTok.

Connect with Carrie Baxter : Spotify | Facebook | Instagram
