
Indie pop duo River releases new track “Dance in the Darkness”

The Indie pop group River was formed by Aljoscha Christenhuß and Christian Vorländer. Originally from Hamburg, the two met coincidentally while working in Los Angeles. If that doesn’t sound like fate, what does? That serendipitous encounter paved the path for the two to start writing about what brought them together – California. On their upcoming debut album, River will explore the freedom, creativity, and carefreeness so associated with California. A gripping backbeat and angelic, echoed background vocals pull us into the dreamy single off that album titled “Dance in the Darkness.”

Laden with dazed synths throughout, the simple chant melody and choir, encapsulates that feeling of freeness, sure to make anyone feel on top of the world. As we transition into the fall, this track has both a summary and rhapsodizing vibe to lead us there. Fans of MGMT or Parcels should be intrigued.

The duo says that apparently majority of the tracks in their debut will keep the same melancholic, yet upbeat vibe. They definitely surprised me with this track, so excited to hear what other dreamscapes they have to share.

Connect with River: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Spotify
