
Jacob McCurdy shares heartfelt single and music video for “Trouble”

In independent music, few artists can blend genuine feelings with catchy tunes, and neither can Jacob McCurdy. His latest song, “Trouble,” is a powerful story of staying strong and hopeful. The music video accompanying the song brings this emotional story to life, making it captivating and moving.

“Trouble” demonstrates achievement for McCurdy, who underwent a life-changing event last year. While he was working on the cover art for this song, he had a stroke due to a health condition called Fibromuscular Dysplasia. Thanks to the quick actions of his girlfriend, Hannah Jenkins, his life was saved. Even though he didn’t realize the seriousness of his condition at first, he soon understood that his left side wasn’t working well. His journey from that moment to now shows his strong spirit and love for music.

The song is a beautiful mix of indie pop and folk rock, showcasing McCurdy’s unique style. The sincere lyrics and catchy tunes show his growth as an artist. “Trouble” talks about personal struggles, staying strong, and hope, giving listeners a peek into McCurdy’s journey of self-discovery and healing.

In his own words, McCurdy looks back and says, “Writing these songs has been like therapy for me. I believe writing them helped me get through a breakup, a pandemic, and my own anxiety.” This healing process shines through every note of “Trouble,” inviting listeners to join him in his journey.

The music video adds more depth to the song. It captures the real emotion and thoughtful side of his experience, making it essential to watch for fans and new listeners.

Watch Jacob McCurdy’s “Trouble” on YouTube.

Connect with Jacob McCurdy: Instagram
