
Jim Andralis shares enchanting album ‘Ghosts’

Jim Andralis delves into themes of love, loss, and the ethereal connections between the living and the departed on transportive album Ghosts, a 11-track collection that traverses the spectrum of human experiences and emotions with enchanting sonics and poignant narratives. 

From celebrating the resilience of the human spirit when faced with grief on “The Worst Thing,” to the encapsulation of deep, transformative love on candidly introspective “5 Minutes,” the album is comforting and haunting all at once. 

With the carthatic expression of loss and grief on “You,” morphing into the surreal reflections of afterlife on “Manhattanhenge,” the project sways effortlessly from heartfelt, healing explorations of love on “Lake,” to an intricate and dramatic conclusion on closer “Carnival,” to deliver sensitive yet comforting notes from beginning to end. 

Led by unfiltered honesty layered upon delicate but powerful soundscapes, Andralis weaves a tapestry of sound that resonates with the deepest parts of the human soul as he continues to access nooks of our heart with his profound artistry.

Connect with Jim Andralis : Instagram 
