It’s not everyday we get to hear tribute hip-hop tracks, and when South Philly Mel delivered “Method Man pt. 2” to us, it was only more than right to share it with everyone. It’s very obvious from the title where the emcee is going but the best part is how he plays it out. Over an ominous hard-hitting beat by Illa Recon, South Philly Mel shares with us his earliest memories of bumping Method Man alongside the rest of the Wu. Listeners can really tell Mel is inspired by Meth with the way he patterned his style from the subtle inflections and cadence.
Mel harks back to the 90s and digs into Meth’s discography as he interpolates a handful of the man’s songs such as “Bring Da Pain,” “Method Man” and even the infamous vocal pause from GZA‘s “Shadow Boxing” amongst others. “Method Man pt. 2” has all the ingredients for sure. From the 70s Kung fu flick intro, RZA inspired gritty backdrop and Mel fully adopting Meth’s signature flow. It won’t be surprising if Method Man himself jumps on a remix of this song. The track is taken from South Philly Mel’s upcoming yet to be titled EP. The EP is produced entirely by Illa Recon.
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