
Willum Maindo explores healing and appreciation on EP Hard Enough

London-bred musician Willum Maindo reflects on uplifting themes of healing and appreciation on new EP Hard Enough, offering a slick blend of hip-hop and R&B across five soothing tracks infused with catharsis and gratitude carried by his hazy, emotive voice. Shining a light on Maindo’s penchant for philosophical retrospect, the EP moves through the healing imbued with every note of his music, journeying through everything he has learned in his career and life so far.

The melodic groove of lead single opener “Get It,” moves into the layered beats of “Won’t Work For Some,” as Maindo’s soulful vocals comes alive as the hero of the EP, as he seamlessly goes from energetic delivery to gentle bars. With echoey drums and resonating harmonies, stand-out track “Say It,” establishes his ability to weave foreboding sonics that build towards powerful finishes.

From the production-heavy “Say It,” Maindo moves into the vocal-led “New Faces,” which strips back the lush soundscapes to give space for his soft voice to bloom and draw us in with introspection and carefully crafted personal narratives before piano-led final track “We All Fall Sometimes” which makes for the best of the EP carried by his soaring high notes that blend sheer vulnerability as his voice breaks with heartfelt emotion on the final seconds in a goose-bump inducing finish.

Brimming with optimism and contemplation, the EP combines his childhood passion for late-90’s R&B classics, American rap, and hip-hop that he has refined slowly and steadily. From producing beats at the age of 14 to evolving into writing and producing by 20, he reveals himself to be a force to be reckoned with even as he roots us with personal narratives.

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