Collins Oboh aka Colloboh is someone to check out if you love your modular synthesizers. His Instagram is filled with modular synth photos and experiments, slowly shaping into something beautiful or wicked. He has released a new five-track EP Entity Relation on Leaving Records that brings that detail to his productions into a fun and, at times, frenetic way.
Born in Nigeria, but now based in Baltimore, his productions find a balance between slow, modular synthesis that gives them a pensive beauty and at times skittering, speedy percussion that flies underneath. They mesh very well together as the rhythms change throughout the project and even within songs to keep things interesting. The final track “Reasons” has vocals for one more wrinkle to the EP.
Pick up your copy of the project here in digital or vinyl, which will ship in Q1 of 2022 and listen below.

EP Review: Colloboh – Entity Relation [Leaving Records]

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