Vantage Records are back at it yet again with another chest wrenching release. This time they have roped in Welsh warlords LSN to bring you a very dark and eerie release with 4 tracks of destructive, sub-heavy music — perfect for inna dance. LSN's attention to detail and crispness within their productions is what sets them apart from the rest.
We were happy to premiere the track "Fun Guy Funk" from the release, you can preview it below.
Premiere: LSN – Fun Guy Funk:

Courtesy of Artist (taken by friend)
Yeah this ones scary, I've followed LSN for quite a few years now and the way they use space within their productions has always impressed me. Coming from an almost experimental place, the whole track comes across very dark, almost nightmarish, where the claps and hi-hats seem off beat yet still sound perfectly placed. Wicked production and very well put together release from LSN. Make sure you cop. The release date is July 31.
Out to LSN & the Vantage Records Family.