
MSTRKRFT Pull No Punches On New Thunderous Album ‘Black Gloves’

When you think of MSTRKRFT, you may think of flashing lights, a large warehouse and a lot of gyrating people. Much of that image has been wiped out because of a deadly pandemic, but their music remains. Today, the Canadian electro duo has released a new album Black Gloves that pulls no punches.

The album comes out swinging with the title track “Black Gloves,” a thunderous blend of electro and techno that will send you flying across whatever room you are in. It slows slightly with the next record “ALEXYSS” as you hit the bottle for three hard-hitting techno cuts from the Canadians. The thumping techno cut “I Am Tired Of Earth” is very relatable.

“IROC” adds more synths to the mix that chug along over a sturdy kick drum, spooky fx, skittering percussion and a yell that comes and goes. The finale “Mr. Duppymaker” wraps everything up and leans into the release on Devil’s Night with swirling and haunting atmosphere behind a powerful, echoing kick that captures the energy from this album.

This is the first album from Death from Above 1979’s Jesse F. Keeler & Al-P since 2016’s Operator. They launched their own imprint last year Oro Records, though this album is being released on AntiFragile Music. 

At only six tracks, they keep things succinct, but don’t leave you hanging. It is a shame we can’t enjoy this in a live setting as it is meant to be, but make your own rave at home, safely and we will be back together doing this soon enough.

Pick up your copy of the album now and stream it below.
