This normally isn’t the type of music I would cover, but there is just too much crossover with the other synth music we do. There will be thousands of words waxing poetic about The Weeknd hitting new heights or his continued ability to make damn good pop music, all of which are true, but I will keep things simple here. Dawn FM is largely done with his frequent collaborator Oneohtrix Point Never (OPN) that helps give it the continuity an album like this needs. However, he isn’t afraid to go big with producer collabs tabbing people like Swedish House Mafia (How Do I Make You Love Me?) and Calvin Harris (I Heard You Were Married) to work with him.
The most surprising part of the LP was the spoken word pieces from Jim Carrey and then Quincy Jones looking back on life. Abel also does his own advertisement for a fictional series Afterlife that he just uses all the clichés in the book, on purpose, to describe it — "Intense, graphic, sexy, euphoric, provocative, edgy, thought-provoking, Technically and visually stunning.”
Like After Hours, this is a deep dive into the 1980’s and synthwave. Yes, the strong pop hooks and R&B singing is there, but this is all about the long drive. After Hours was the time when things devolved, but now this is getting home with the sun slowly peaking up over the horizon. It is time to tune into 103.5 Dawn FM. Get your copy here.

The Weeknd Goes Deep Into 80's Synthwave Again On 'Dawn FM'

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