
IMANU Falls 3m Off Stage At Festival, Expected To Make Full Recovery

Festivals are supposed to be a place to let all emotions loose and experience life at its fullest; sometimes, however, nature has a different plan. At Let It Roll in Czechoslovakia this past weekend, IMANU was performing when storms forced the festival to temporarily shut down (a standard safety protocol). Unfortunately, the DJ somehow ended up falling off stage at a height of 3 meters (approximately 10 feet) and ended up in the hospital.

He says in the Instagram post that he passed out twice before finally heading to the hospital, implying that he attempted to remain conscious for a bit before acquiescing that his condition warranted the trip.

Thankfully, he says that the x-rays show nothing is broken, “even though I’m in quite some pain,” but he still manages to crack a smile. From the sounds of it, he’s likely to make a full recovery and get back on the road soon! Though his tour manager might suggest a harness on his rider from now on…


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