
Eriel Indigo delivers defiant and empowering production “Rebel Bell”

Los Angeles-based music visionary and creative activist Eriel Indigo delivers defiant production “Rebel Bell,” opening the discussion on the power of music within a bold and uplifting soundscape.

Built on bouncy electronic melodies and boom bap percussion, the track pairs aggressive synths and rattling drums with a confident delivery that sways from angelic vocals to powerful rap.

Ethereal, empowering and yet slightly eerie in its sonics, the track brims with charisma, grit as well as a touch of playfulness as Indigo reflects on how artists can come together to culture, creativity, and open dialogue by asking important questions on difficult questions and sharing innovative ideas.

With this track acting as a reminder of the unifying power that music holds, Indigo’s socially conscious and immersive artistry challenges herself and the society around her offering up a sonic world that is cathartic and rebellious all at once.

Connect with Eriel Indigo : Twitter| Instagram
