As Thievery Corporation gear up for some spring US concert dates, one half of the duo of Rob Garza and Eric Hilton is releasing a new series of solo digital singles, starting with the lo-fi, deep house "Artifact 22".
“After the last two years of struggles we’ve all been through it just feels right to start 2022 and this series of singles with this mantra: All we want on Earth is love," explains Hilton.

Eric Hilton Announces New Series Of Digital Singles Starting With Dub Rich "Artifact 22"

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The forthcoming tracks are considered "outliers," or tracks that didn't really fit in the scope of his previous solo albums. These tracks will explore different genres, tempos, and sounds. "Artifact 22" has a mellow, trance/deep house quality to it with just a hint of dub, not unlike something you would hear from Thievery Corp. The dub version is just that, a deep dive into your late-night consciousness. This is the version you play when you just want to drift away. Click the song title above to purchase.