Spanish Techno master Regal has announced his debut album, Remember Why You Started, out later this year. ‘Remember Why You Started’ is meant to be a message for everyone to look back to the roots – where anything is influenced by nothing but passion. The album tells the story of @regalmusic's personal struggles and self-discovery. A dark insight into the DJ’s life, influenced mainly by Dante Alighieri’s ‘Divine Comedy', where Dante has to cross all the layers of hell and purgatory to arrive in paradise.

From earth-shuttering sounds, hard-punching kicks, 303 acid-lines, disjointed drum breaks, and electro drum patterns up to EBM- and Hip-Hop-leaning tracks, this album gives an insight into Regal's mind and creativity. Check out the first single 'She Dances Alone' below, and click here to grab your copy.
A1: Respect
A2: Burning Old Idols
A3: She Dances Alone
B1: Dungeon Master
B2: Remember Why You Started
B3: Requiem For A Friend (ft. Fabrizio Rat)
C1: Dealing With My Pain
C2: Run (ft. Z.I.P.P.O)
C3: Fearful Nights
D1: Before I Die (ft. Pau Castro)
D2: The Last Dance
D3: Cult Of Personality