
DINER evokes coziness and comfort with her brand of country music

Emerging country music star DINER evokes coziness with her blend of delightful twang, soulful melodies, and typically heartfelt lyrics, capturing life’s simple moments rooted in a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Raised at the intersection of music and the hometown restaurant atmosphere, DINER whose upbringing was influenced by the warm vibe of her parents’ cafe just outside of Portland, Oregon, framed by regulars and stories which laid the foundation for her music career.

She says, “I used to hide that I was the local diner-girl and that I worked there with my parents… but I found the beauty in it… I was raised by a community of people that knew me before I could even see over the counter.”

DINER’s inspiration also comes from her mother, Helen, who was part of an all-girl punk rock band in the 80s. The group started in her parents’ garage and went on to tour with such notable punk rock bands as Black Flag and even recorded with The Dead Kennedys.

With this mix of down-to-earth roadside diner life and the rebellious spirit of punk rock pushing her distinctive artistry forward, DINER has numerous challenges navigating a male-dominated industry as a young female artist.

Despite it all DINER remains committed to her vision and wants to represent female artists who persevere through tough times, setting herself up as an authentic talent making her rise into stardom.

Connect with DINER : Instagram
