
Let Felix Ames captivate you on soulful “Shoestring”

It’s a funny time in modern soul music, trying to recapture the magic of the golden age of soul made more than 50 years ago, and more often than not, failing.  That’s why it is so important to pause our day and take time to appreciate the songs where it truly does all come together, and lightning gets caught in a bottle.  “Shoestring” is such a song, a tour-de-force for a very fresh face in the musical landscape by the name of Felix Ames.

Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but now based in Los Angeles, Ames positively overflows with the retro-soul vibes most recently spearheaded by Leon Bridges.  Emphasizing the beauty in the struggle, “Shoestring” embraces the carefree swing and guitar drones of the best soul ballads.  Ames’ pitch-perfect vocals cut deep as they seamlessly mesh together to create delectable harmonies that arrest the eardrums.  There aren’t many artists doing this sound justice, but Felix Ames has the tenacious commitment to the craft to justify any and every bit of hype he’s about to receive.

Disproving the notion that good music can’t go viral on TikTok, Ames hearkens back to a golden era of soul music while juxtaposing his own fresh twist on the genre.  Building off the success of what is clearly the start of a sensational career is no easy task, but something about Ames’ musical confidence should assure you that he is more than up to that challenge.

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