
Star Persona delivers a love song like no other for ‘Vanilla’ 

Star Persona is an up-and-coming group poised to take the scene by storm with their latest release, “Vanilla.” This captivating single explores a love story that defies convention, inspired by the true story of Mechaphile Edward Smith, who shares a deep and meaningful bond with his cherished “girlfriend,” a spotless white VW Beetle named Vanilla.

The creative genius behind “Vanilla” is the multi-talented Claude Malette, who wears many hats as the primary songwriter, guitarist, bassist, lyricist, and melody composer. Working in collaboration with a close-knit group of talented musicians, including drummers, vocalists, and soloists, Star Persona has crafted a track that pushes the boundaries of musical norms, challenging listeners to think outside the box.

The songwriting process for “Vanilla” is as unique as the love story it depicts. Claude Malette and his musical compatriots come together in his home studio, where they jam, rehearse, and brainstorm ideas. This creative environment fosters an undeniable chemistry in every song’s notes and lyrics.

“Vanilla” is not just a song; it’s a profound emotional journey that invites listeners to explore the depths of an unconventional love. The track’s melody is enchanting, while the lyrics tell a tale that is both heartwarming and thought-provoking. Star Persona’s exceptional musical prowess is on full display as they infuse the track with passion, energy, and creativity.

Star Persona is a refreshing breath of fresh air in a world where music often follows predictable patterns. Their willingness to explore the extraordinary sets them apart, and “Vanilla” is a testament to their boundless creativity and innovation. This single is a must-listen for anyone seeking a musical experience that defies expectations and leaves a lasting impact.

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